Q: How are you different from the rest?  
Our 2 hour process is unlike any other.
                     ...and it is effortless.

  • We treat you like a full partner. 
    • Your session will be 1 on 1 with me personally. Together we will clearly discuss every step of your process before we begin. Enlightening!

  • We clear the problem from your neurological system in less than 15 minutes.
    • This proprietary process is truly
      amazing to experience.
    • Once completed, your own body will clearly indicate that the problem is gone.  You will feel it and know it.
    • You will actually be a non-smoker before you sit in the chair for the hypnosis.

  • Next we eliminate the smoking problem from your mind where cravings and habits are stored.
    • Lay back and relax. You will experience the most effective hypnosis techniques developed for smoking cessation, customized specifically to your needs.
    • You will walk out the door as if you have never smoked.
  • We guarantee your results for life!
    • Your process includes a lifetime guarantee, which means if you ever smoke or have a craving to smoke, just call or schedule online, and we will treat you again for free. 
    • How can we afford to give away free sessions for life??  Only 5 - 10% of our clients ever require a second session.

 Every one of these packets represents a saved life!  I've saved a special spot on top for yours.

We combine the most effective hypnosis techniques with our cutting-edge neurological process to completely eliminate the cravings from the mind and body.

Our process is completely natural with
no drugs, no cravings, and no withdrawal.


It's EASY! • It Feels Great!