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12/09/2015 on
After 35 years of being a slave to cigarettes and trying EVERYTHING to
quit, I spent a few hours with Ken Guzzo and became a non-smoker for the
rest of my life. No cravings, no withdrawal...done. Forever. I just
celebrated the 6th anniversary of being smoke free. What a great
feeling! If you are thinking of quitting, stop thinking and go see Ken
at the non-smoking center. It is a visit that can really can save your
Wayne Coy, Morning Host KKIQ Radio
Dublin, CA.
From the moment I exited the hypnosis room I knew something was different. What was different? I no longer felt like picking up a cigarette and lighting it! The need to smoke it was GONE! Completely GONE for good! It was as though I never smoked! Standing in the reception area in your office I smiled at the ever growing mountain of discarded packs of no longer required smokes!
It's been a year and a half and I have never even thought of smoking and I know that this is permanent!
Thank you Ken for all the years of my life you have given me back!
If you are reading this review and really are ready to stop smoking please do your self a favor and make an appointment ASAP! THIS REALLY DOES WORK!
Amme S.
Aromas. CA.
Today, July 1st, marks the day I have been exactly one month free of
tobacco! I'm 22 (I just graduated college, and was very aware that this
transition would be a good time to change my stubborn ways). I had been
fighting with a strong, daily addiction to tobacco and weed for years.
Specifically, my struggle was with the dependency on smoking tobacco
with weed out of a bong, an addiction that was both uncleanly,
unhealthy, and embarrassing. I cannot tell you how impactful this
process has been on my whole life, I feel more confident, stronger and
more empowered knowing I no longer have an urge or craving to do that
old, disgusting habit :)
I was new to the non-smoking center, and had some apprehensions at
first. When I met Ken, he was very open to answering any questions, and
had a very easy going and friendly energy about him. He explained the
Center's process in a very clear manner, and even congratulated me on
being wise to want to quit at a young adult age.
If you truly want to stop your tobacco addiction, in any form, Ken will
fully support and guide you to a more positive, healthy lifestyle, 100%
tobacco free! Through my personal experience, I have seen incredible
Thank you Ken and the Bay Area Non-Smoking Center!
12/31/2014 on
Dear Ken,
I also want to wish you good fortune and happiness for not only the coming year, but for always.
It has been over two years since I saw you. I wanted to quit smoking after 55 years. I was spending over $2500 per year on cigarettes and could hardly breathe. I would spend an hour coughing in the mornings just to clear my lungs just to get a breath of fresh air.
I thought smoking was normal since my father smoked and so did John Wayne and Humphrey Bogart and other Hollywood Stars. In all the 55 years that I smoked, just to be like those guys, I have spent over $110,000 for tobacco, mostly cigarettes.
The $500 I gave you was certainly worth it. After seeing you, and after 55 years of smoking cigarettes, I have not smoked one for over two years now!
I AM SMOKE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ken! You saved my Life!
Happy New Year!! I can breathe again!!
Ron A.
Happiest New Year wishes to you and your family.
I am 100% non smoker since February 7, 2012.
Thank you.
Barry P.
I never thought I could do it... and it's been so easily!
I've been smoking over 40 years - and really starting to feel the
effects of it. The day I went to see Ken - I got to his office early -
and waited outside smoking as much as I could. Afraid of losing a best
friend ( that really is NOT a friend)! - After the 2 hours with Ken - I walked out of the office ( incredibly relaxed) and have had not smoked since -
On certain occasions -( ie: walking past a smoker) I have thought
about it - and immediately find myself smiling at the fact that I'm now
a non-smoker - and have no temptations to 'even have a drag' .........
I'm so glad that I found Ken ( who really is very delightful) - and I'm
so excited with my success in not smoking...... Now I'm going to check
out his weight release program!
10/03/2014 on
I hope I can find the words to express my gratitude to Ken Guzzo. I'm
not sure if I'd still be kicking if I hadn't made the call some years
ago. Ken saved my life. I was a hard core smoker. I loved my cigarettes and they were slowly killing me.
I've heard people say that you have to want to quit for hypnosis to
work. I can say that I didn't "want" to quit, I just knew that I had to
quit if I was going to keep breathing. If I could have have found a way
to keep smoking and still get oxygen into my lungs, I would still be at
it. So, I didn't want to quit, I had to.
I remember thinking that it would have been easy to make fun of the hypnosis thing. If I ridiculed it, let it fail, then I could continue smoking and justify the slow motion suicide I was committing.
Besides, there was no way I'd be able to turn my back on smoking
without an epic struggle, and I was willing to accept that I was too
weak. But something hit me on the drive over to try giving it a chance. I
took a quick look at a possible life not waking up hacking and
wheezing, afraid I might be taking my last gasp of air each morning. So
I'd humor the guy, and give it a go.
I found Ken's perspective that smoking is a bad habit perpetuated by
the sub conscious mind rather than a classic addiction quite
interesting. He proved it to me when I walked out of his office two
hours later. No withdrawals, no shakes, cravings, irritable behavior. It turned out to be one of the easiest things I had ever done.
I can hang out with other smokers, have some beers, see other people
smoking, no problem. I still kind of chuckle every time I eat and not
"have" to have a smoke afterwards. I'll be damned. For me, one of the
best things is that I didn't turn into an anti smoking Nazi. I still
enjoy the smell of a freshly lit smoke, and I don't begrudge people that
choose to enjoy smoking.
I stumbled some years later, and Ken took me back in and sent me on
my way a non smoker again. God bless Ken. He IS a life saver!
Hi Ken,
This is Jennifer Dorian. I'm just emailing to say hi and to let you
know that my cycling descending skills have finally come together. I am
no longer fearful but rather I enjoy going downhill and gaining speed. I
was even able to win some races!
I really feel that my time spent with you paired with my practicing
opened the door to enjoying something that once caused me a great deal
of fear. I'm so pleased to have overcome this and enjoy high speed
I hope you, your wife, and your two children are doing well. And I have
to tell you, when I finish my PhD program the first thing I plan to do
is to enroll in your course. I honestly can say that hypnosis has
changed my life for the better in the most powerful ways... more than
anything else!
Take care, and I hope to see you soon,
Jennifer A. Dorian, M.A., MHB
Smoke-free since 12/12/2011
Love it!! And now 2.5 years smoke free and sis my first tough Mudder at age 53 last Month!!
8/20/2014 on
BEST place for anyone that smokes, but wants to LIVE another day. I
haven't touched a cigarette for since June of 2009. I used to smoke a
good TWO packs a day... Feeling WONDERFUL now a days...
6/30/2014 on
for Ken's Hypnosis Certification Class at the American Academy of Hypnosis
Amazing workshop!!!! I just completed an amazing and fast moving 5 day
course with Ken Guzzo to learn level 1 hypnosis and receive a Smoking
Cessation Specialist Certification.
I have had a lot of training over the years, and Ken is one of the best
trainers I have had the pleasure to worked with. Ken has a wonderful
attention to detail, and has an unbelievable ability to really listen
and understanding how I needed to learn the process and training, his
soothing voice and calm nature put me at ease and made me feel smart,
special, and that I can do anything. Everything was laid out in great
detail and I took home a complete package of books, reference info, DVD
of our sessions, and forms - truly a business in a box.
Part of the training was watching and experiencing real clients making
the transformation from smoker to non-smoker. What an amazing
experience!!!!! Everyone left 10 feet off the ground and sooooo happy. Helping people make this type of transformation is definitely something I
want to put into my business model.
After many years of being a business owner and hairdresser I work with
clients everyday. This training will give me new tools and help for my
current clients and new ones in the future. I have gotten a new focus for
myself and my life..... along with some personal healing and awareness
for myself on a very deep level. It was very much worth the money and
time spent.
Thank you Ken for following your passion to help others.......
Dona L.
San Pedro, CA.
6/06/2014 on
I smoked for 30 years, and my whole family smoked. Then about six years
ago my brother-in-law heard an ad for the stop smoking center on KGO
radio. He didn't say a word to any of us but after a few days we noticed
he wasn't smoking. Then he confessed he had been to see Ken Guzzo. We
were skeptical that it would last and we watched with great interest for
a year,
my brother-in-law had become a non-smoker.
My sister, his wife decided then that she would give it a try. She
became a non-smoker. Six months later I went and became a non-smoker.
Six months after that my younger brother went and became a non-smoker.
After that numerous friends were impressed enough to try and to succeed
at becoming non-smokers. The amazing thing to was that it took only one
Thank you Ken for adding years to the lives of my self, my family and countless friends.
Melissa Terrell DRBA Admin
Alamo, CA.
Notice these reviews are months and years after their session.
Do you get that this process works?
04/05/2014 on
Hi Ken,
I am the cop that used your service I believe over 6 years ago. I am happy to report I am still not smoking.
I tell all my referrals I have sent to you that hypnosis as a way to quit smoking was the easiest thing I have done and no weight gain. I laugh when I see commercials for the patch or e cigarettes because it seems like so much work for such a small chance of quitting smoking.
Thanks again
John M.
6/20/2014 on
Hi, Ken,
Hope you are doing well.
I'm still doing great, thanks for your help!
Jessica G.
4/04/2014 on
Well the third time is a charm. Ken is serious, if you backslide you
can keep calling him and I did. I would stop for a year, have a crisis
and yes, it only took one, and I was smoking again. Well I think I have
finally go it, I can't have just one and I appreciate Ken's guarantee
more than he knows. My husband and I went to the first session together.
He has stayed a non smoker for 3 years and this was after smoking 40
Shavonne S.
Oakland, CA.
Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that (and I can hardly believe I am writing this email) the stop smoking hypnotherapy/tapping/muscle testing session I did with you in August 2013 was a complete success. I have NOT bought, touched or even remotely been tempted to smoke ever since that day. The session was extremely informative, interesting and relaxing (ie, no anxiety at all), and the results speak for themselves. I am a nonsmoker.
I smoked for many years, and in the space of 2 hours we tossed out that habit like we were clearing out some old junk from the attic. I was concerned for the first few weeks that somehow I might relapse (so much so that I didn't really tell anyone I'd quit). No one was more surprised than I that, at my 6 month anniversary of quitting, this pervasive, pesky and unhealthy habit was inexplicably and irrevocably GONE. Amazing. I continue to be vigilant, but am so very, very happy to say that even occasional reminders of a habit that once gave me (so I thought) comfort are quickly becoming a thing of the past.
One thing I will say is that I was ready to quit, but seemed to be unable to do it by myself. Just the thought of quitting was enough to make me chain smoke for hours. This program was the push that launched me back on track.
So thank you. THANK YOU. I really appreciate the time, attention, humor and humanity behind this program and highly recommend it to anyone who is so inclined.Best regards,
Claire B
Hello Fellow Yelpers!
I started smoking at 15, by 18 I was up to a
pack a day. I tried many times to quit before meeting Ken, I tried with patches,
lozenges, gum, cold turkey and prescription pills, multiple times each with no
successes. After one visit to Ken's office, after 15 years, i walked away from
smoking cigarettes for the rest of my life. That was May, 28th of last
I wrote Ken the below email to say thank you yesterday afternoon.
When he called me this morning to ask if i would share my story on yelp, i
didn't hesitate.
"Dear Ken,
Almost one year ago, I came to your office with my closest friend. This
was the first day I knew the world was different than I saw it in previous days.
30 Years of seeing the world now had to be re-thought. I finally woke up! Not
just to the nasty little habit of smoking, but to the world around me. I could
not go another day without saying THANK YOU!
Thank You for taking the
time out of your life to do this humankind. The impact will be immeasurable in
terms of thought and time for everyone you come in contact with. I plan
to take my own course on how to pay this forward, but if there is anything you
feel I can do to help others please let me know. Like everyone else, I want to
help the world, but don't always know
Nicholas B.
Pleasanton, CA.
I smoked for 35 years and for the last 8 years I was smoking two packs
of new ports a day. I had quit a few times during the 35 years but I
always went back to the cancer sticks. Then I went and saw Ken and in
one hour I was done with cigarettes. It's now been two years and no
trouble so far. Actually I have turned I to one of those nicotine Nazis.
It's amazing no cravings no nothing. It's like I have never smoked. In
fact if I go places where people re smoking I find it very nasty and
find it hard to breathe. So in my book Ken Guzzo is the man. And you
can't beat his guarantee free follow up for life. I was skeptical but
now I am a believer. If you want to quit Ken is your guy.
Cliff Forgarty
San Francisco, CA.
Smoke-free since 5/6/2011
Absolutely my BEST decision, EVER!! make it yours. – At the age of
53yrs, I, just had my first baby girl, and I knew then, that I had to
find a way to really quit! No more New Year Eve smoking and drinking. I
have something much more important to live for. Thank you Ken!
Larry Schmidt
San Jose, CA.
Smoke-Free since 10/30/2009
8/19/2011 on
Wow! I found out about the work Ken does with smokers and wondered if it
would work for other issues. I'm not a smoker but I have struggled for
years with emotional responses to "triggers" that I wish I could be done
with forever. Well, I went to Ken for his new Stress Relief session
and I discovered the amazing results I'd hoped for, but didn't know were
During the session, Ken asked me if there was an issue I
wanted to clear for good. I immediately thought about my relationship
with my ex husband and my deep desire for healing in that relationship.
In less than an hour, I was no longer reacting to this person/situation I
had been troubled by for years. And it's just like the smokers report, I
don't even have a twinge of resentment, anger or fear regarding the
issue I dropped during this session!
Ken is an incredible facilitator
for transformation - anyone who desires to transform their life would be
well-served to seek out Ken's professional and masterful assistance.
The Stress Relief session was better than a massage, and the blissful
state of clarity and relaxation, lasted all day and then some. I give my
highest recommendation for this amazing opportunity for healing and
empowerment! Try it out and be amazed.
Laura C.
Berkeley, CA.
My wife and I went in a few days ago and were treated as a couple. Our first thought was "this is too good to be true" as it has a 95% success rate. Well, let me tell you, Ken is the real deal! We've both smoked for over 20 years, were up to two packs a day at times and Ken cured us of the habit. We tried everything to quit (gum, patch, cold turkey) and they didn't work. Ken explains why those"quit smoking aids" aren't very effective. He identifies the real reason you smoke and how to combat it. The session was so relaxing and when it was done, we had no urge to smoke! NONE! If you're ready to quit, Ken is the guy to call, you won't be sorry. His treatment is worth every penny! After a few months as a non smoker, you've made the money back anyhow, it's a win win.
Johny & Mandy M
San Jose, CA.
For years, my dentist has ,on a semi annual basis, put the fear of God into me over my 35 year history of using chewing tobacco. My brand
was Copenhagen and I routinely used a can or more per day. In terms of
nicotine content (and other carcinogenic substances) it was the the
most potent I could find.
My teeth and gums were in pretty poor shape to say the least. That was almost a year ago. One visit with Ken and with a couple of days of minor withdrawal, that habit was a thing of the past. Today,
the inside of my mouth has completely healed, my teeth are whiter, I
have much better energy and the specter of oral cancer a dim probability.
The thing that Ken does that is so powerful, is to get your mind, body and subconscious mind all working together to expose the false hood that tobacco is cool and pleasurable. In fact, it is nothing more than a health wrecking habit that leaves you poorer financially, physically and mentally.
Thanks to the technique Ken has developed and the mastery in which he employs it, my life is much improved.
Best to you Ken !
Butch K
Big Sur, CA
After smoking at least 16 cigarettes a day for 7 years, I saw Ken and was able to quit in just one hour. That was five years ago! I recommend him to all my friends who smoke, and of those friends who have taken my advice, they too were able to successfully give up the habit in just one hour. Seeing Ken was one of the best decisions of my life. I only wish I'd done it sooner. I give him my highest recommendation and I congratulate anyone who is ready to make the call and give up the burden of smoking.
Meredyth MKeep up the GREAT work!!!
Michele & Curtis C
Willits, CA.
My story is familiar as I was"that guy" that tried everything to stop
smoking cigarettes. You wake up one day and ask yourself wt* am I
doing?!? Then, when you finally get real and finally stop making excuses
you invest in yourself like I did to just END IT! That is what Ken
helps with. He does not make you do anything you are not ready to do, he
simply enables you with the tools you already have to hard wire
yourself to be the non smoker you want to be. The real magic is; it
works, it doesn't hurt and it is legal. It is a little pricey yes.. but
the cost simply pales when compared to the benefit(s).
Ken is a straight
shooter, no BS professional. What you see is what you get. The trash
can of discarded cigarette packs at the door is classic - like the 'dogs
playing poker picture' wives make new husbands trash after the
honeymoon, but the brimming trash can of discarded smokes (by the pack)
is POWERFUL and an in-your-face YOU CAN DO THIS reality check - and
that's just one step in the office door. The real magic is the result.
It is in you, Ken simply helps you bring it out with his disarming
honesty & skilled mastery of his tool-chest..He should be consulted
with curing cancer at Johns Hopkins or Stanford or something. Keep it up
Ken. Cheers!
John Christos Koulouris / Chris
Video in production
Mountain View, CA
If you want to QUIT this guy is LEGIT. My wife and I quit smoking on 3-17-09 that's more than 2 years ago. Ken Guzzo provided us the pain free way of doing it. I had quit in the past but it was complete misery the State of the Art process Ken uses is superb! We literally had zero cravings and to this day have no desire to smoke. My wife and I have referred family friends and strangers and we are glad to say this process has worked for them too!! This is the real deal I am living healthy proof. Take the step that will lead you to breathing easier and saving your hard earned money too! Join my wife and I as Non Smokers for life...Thanks Ken..
Jeff & Corina B
Fairfield, CA
daughter, who was wanting to quit smoking because she hated it on so
many levels, stumbled across Bay Area Non-Smoking Center and was eager
to give hypnosis a try. Although she had stopped on several occasions,
vowing never to smoke again, she would start back up only after a few
days of quitting.
As we entered the building, she was so nervous, snappy and filled with
complaints about how badly she needed a cigarette, while communicating
her fear about failing.
I sat with her while she watched a video and we were both surprised, no,
blown away, by the things we learned. She then went with Ken to
complete the process. About an hour later, Natalie walked out of the
room with a smile and a sense of complete relaxation and said "Mom, I'm a
non-smoker. Can you believe it?" Thrilled by this
reaction was an understatement..
Well, though i was excited, i was a bit skeptical wondering if it would last when she went back to school and the stresses and triggers that i knew would follow. That was three months ago and she does not even remember what it was like to be a smoker. More times than i can count she has shared with me the joys of being a non-smoker that are too numerous to count.
As a result of
this experience, my sister, a smoker for over 30 years, has an
appointment with Ken and I am confidant she will be a non-smoker after walking out of his office.
If you really want to quit smoking, this is the way to go.
Laurie P for Natalie P
San Ramon, CA
Ken is the man! I have been a smoker for 20 plus years. I walked out of Ken's office and have been smoke free for 3 plus months now. The amazing thing is I don't have any cravings. If you really want to quit and need help, his program will work. Thanks Ken!
Owner of Bistro Liaison
Berkeley, CA
Amazing! I tried everything you can think of and was a smoker for over 20 years. Ken's technique worked for me. What else can I say? It's the only thing that worked for me and I feel blessed every day to be free of the habit. Totally blessed. There is nothing worse you can do to your body every day and there is nothing better than being free of the addiction. Thank you Ken!
I had tried everything in the past to quit smoking, patches, pills, gum, "cold turkey" even hypnosis. I had smoked for 38 years. After my session with Ken I left his office thinking there had to be more to it. How is this going to work? It seemed way too easy. But guess what? It worked! No cravings, none! It is amazing! I am finally free from cigarettes and loving it. Even being around smokers does not make me want a cigarette. If you want to quit, I recommend the Bay Area Nonsmoking Center, it works! It is incredible!
Kriss BMy dad was a smoker
for 40 years. I tried everything I could to guilt him to quit.
Finally telling him that his future grand kids would be petrified of
him breathing from a hole in his throat.
He tried many times to quit but never succeeded. He finally heard Ken's ad on the radio and decided
to try his service out. The meeting lasted about an hour. After he
got out, in his words- 'he truly forgot that he was ever a smoker'. He
never had another craving and was not bothered for a minute.
We're so happy that he quit. And it was really easy and even three years
later my dad still raves about it. All the pills and patches were a
waste. This was the easiest and most guaranteed way he's seen to quit.
Very, very, very highly recommended.
Tal M for Moty M
Co-Owner of Lite Line Illuminations watch video
Los Carlos, CA.
Thank you!
Wayne Coy watch video
Morning Host
If I could give Ken 10 stars I would. I had been smoking over a pack a day for 39 years. During that time, I tried many times to quit. I finally just gave in and figured "it is what it is - I can't quit." But after my mom lost her life to lung cancer 4 years ago, I was determined to quit again. But just as before, everything I tried failed. Again, I gave up on quitting.
I heard about Ken on the radio and figured I had nothing to lose, so I made my appointment. That was President's
Day 2010. I have never even thought about having another cigarette
since 1:30 that afternoon. No cravings, no withdrawals, no nothing - it
was like I never smoked to begin with. I KNOW first hand how terrible
it is to try to quit, believe me. This was, without a doubt, the
easiest thing I've ever done in my life.
Sometimes, I still can't believe it. I
really never thought I would live to see the day that I was a
non-smoker. But I did and couldn't be happier or healthier.
I would highly recommend Ken if you or
someone you know wants to quit smoking. You have nothing to lose, and
years of your life to gain.
Stacey M
San Ramon, CA
4/10/2011 on
I worked with Ken at a time when I was not sure change was even possible.
is passionate about improving quality of life. Without a doubt I would
recommend working with him. It just may change your life as it did mine.
Daniel O.
San Francisco, CA.
4/10/2011 on
On December 7, 2009 after 30 years of smoking and being a slave to
cigarettes, I quit in one day. In little over an hour with NO cravings,
NO withdrawl symptoms and NO desire to ever do it again.
I owe
Ken Guzzo and the Bay Area Non Smoking Center a debt of gratitude
forever for making this the easiest and smartest thing I ever did.
Thank you!
San Ramon, CA.
Hi Ken,
I just wanted to say thank you . . . thank you . . .
thank you! I went to your office yesterday at
1pm to receive a hypnotherapy session for smoking. It has been 24 hours. . .
which are usually the toughest. . . and I have been completely smoke free!
It is the most wonderful experience in the
world! I knew from past times of quitting that the first 24 hours are torment. I prepared for that but
I am completely amazed that I have not had a craving or a withdrawal symptom. It is like smoking is a non
issue. Its like I never smoked. I know that
you told me that yesterday and I read that from testimonials on the website, but it
just seemed too good to be true. How could one not have a craving or withdrawal symptom??? Then it was virtually effortless! Thank you again! It was worth
every dollar spent! I will check in again in a few days to give you another update!
Devora M (smoke-free since November 18, 2009) watch video
San Jose, CA
Ken, I am almost 6 months SMOKE FREE and so glad to be alive! Since I left your office, I have not wanted to smoke a cigarette. I had a few occasions (e.g. when my daughter was in labor) when I thought "This is when I would usually smoke," but I had no desire to smoke. I am a non-smoker and I will be a non-smoker for the rest of my life!
My wife and I are so grateful for your help. After smoking for 40 years, I am so glad to be a non-smoker. Everything you said to me about quitting smoking, how I would feel, how there would be no withdrawal symptoms, how my body would heal itself, and the benefits of hypnosis were accurate. I only wish I had seen you sooner.
With deepest gratitude,
Kelly and Charlene
Carter (smoke-free since January 8,
2009 watch video
San Jose, CA
I teased my husband this morning. I said, “Well, I only had one cigarette this morning and he was so upset. But then I told him, “No, I was just kidding!”
Ken, you are a very nice man but I hope I never have to see you again.
(You know what I mean- the smoking)
God bless you and keep up the good work.
Jeri Flynn (smoke-free since December 29, 2010)
April 9th seems like so long ago, but every time I say that date it is with the utmost pride and satisfaction. Shortly after my visit with you, I challenged myself by going to Las Vegas for a business trip on May 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Once I returned “unscathed”, I knew I had beat the cigarettes. Then, in the middle of May I challenged myself again by running my first Bay to Breakers, and finishing the 7.5 miles in just under an hour and fifteen minutes. In July, the third challenge presented itself when I went to Madrid for my cousin’s wedding. It’s amazing how many people smoke over there. Despite the fact that I gave in and smoked a cigar at the wedding reception with my new cousin-in-law, I began the next day anew and without a single thought of going back to smoking cigarettes. Although there has been the occasional craving, I can say unequivocally that there was NEVER a point in time where I was out-of-my-mind. I never had that experience where the cravings were too much to handle. As I look back, it just makes me laugh at how easy it has been to NOT SMOKE.
This email is just a note to say thanks. I know you made it clear that it is ME that wants to quit; ME that decides to quit; and ME that continues to be a non-smoker. However, I must say that without your help and guidance, I may still be in the vicious cycle of smoking a pack a day. Thanks again,
Nate W. (smoke-free since April 9th, 2010)
Ken, (April 19th, 2008 and not an urge. Thank you!)
Just a quick update that I have been a successful graduate from your
session...I discussed with my Asthma Clinic RN at Santa Rosa Kaiser and
she is very impressed with my results with you...Thanks Ken and Best
Wishes for the Holidays...I am a Merry Christmas "Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year"...
John Schlesiger (Smoke-free since April 19, 2008)
Hi Ken,
Hope all is well. It has been over one year now since my visit with you and I am still a non-smoker. I have a cousin that wants to stop smoking. His situation is almost identical to mine and so I will forward him your information. His name is Eric and cell number is 415-------. He is waiting your contact.
Dan S (smoke-free since November 16, 2009)
A Craigslist Connection!
Vince L here, quit date June 15, 2009, 11AM. For the longest time I've tried to get anyone that asked get the help you gave me and finally it appears I my have been successful. A couple three weeks back a person unknown to me had posted on craigslist asking if anyone knew anything about using hypnosis to quit tobacco and I sure gave them the info they needed about you ASAP and the link to your site. See messages below.
It looks like you may have helped "Beatrice" kick the habit. I have no idea who she is but I told her I'd let you know I referred her. Funny how of all the actual friends, acquaintances & contacts I have not one took the step and it ended up being a total stranger I helped, that's even a bit more rewarding for me.
Paying it forward and many thanks,
Vince L (smoke-free since June 15, 2009)
Lucky Girl to me
how details 12/24/10 (10 days ago)
I saw Ken on Tuesday and I can honestly say I was freed from smoking. I am glad I called.
He also wanted to thank you for the referral, but I told him I didn't know your name.
Thank made my Christmas. Have a wonderful new year.
Beatrice (smoke-free since December 12, 2010)
Hi Ken,
Hey I am really sorry I haven't contacted you sooner - life has just been going faster than I really have time.
Anyway, to follow up on my appointment on Apr 28th - I am very HAPPY to say that I have not had not
even a one - nasty cigarette!!! It has now been a month.
know the one thing I was really concerned with were my TRIGGERS that
were my excuse to smoke - especially when I really felt stressed.
Well it seems the Universe has tested me with everything she has when it
comes to stress and I have made it through with flying colors!!
am amazed everyday in how this process has finally given me emotional
freedom from that nasty addiction. I feel like I have never smoked
before in my life - it is amazing!
Thanks Ken - this process is truly amazing and it is the best money ever spent.
In Peace, Love and Joy always,
Wendy P (smoke-free since April 28, 2010) Video in production
I just wanted to thank you again for your help. I feel sooooo good not smoking! I haven't had any of the cravings or jumpiness or irritability!!!! YAY!!! And I have a ton of new found self-esteem because I feel strong and good about myself for the first time in a long time!!!! Your system is amazing. I gave a friend your number. She seemed interested. Hopefully she will give you a call.
Thanks again, Brittany
PS: I even went to a bar last night and drank and didn't want to smoke!!! And I could smell people smoking outside. I know you're not surprised by this, but I am really excited. (If you couldn't tell) :>
Smoke-free since May 2, 2008
HEY!!! I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that after my session, It is as you said. I am free!!! I have not had one craving for a cigarette. Hard to believe after 20 years x 20 a day. I would not believe it if it was not a personal experience. Thank you so very much.
John S.
Owner of Bubba's Diner & Marin Pasta Works
Marin, CA watch video
(Smoke-free since May 15, 2008)
Hi Ken!
Hey Bud, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for the encouraging cards I continue to receive from you. It has been 90+ days now and I am indeed smoke free to date. I love that I am a non-smoker!
Ron Thatcher, non-smoker! Thanks again!
Dental X-Ray Technician
Walnut Creek, CA.
(Smoke-free since February 7, 2008) watch video
Thank you so much for your help. I can’t begin to tell you how successful you were in dealing with a committed addict such as myself!
Susan Meredith (Smoke-free since February 21, 2008) video in production
Ken, How on earth can I thank you enough??? As I write this to you, there are “thank you’s” floating around your computer and your office!!!!!!!! Its been nearly a year and I am a non smoker!! I came to your office on November 12, 2007 with so much doubt, and money in hand. I had three empty packs of Marlboro Reds and a half full pack waiting for me in the car, at the end of my session.
I must admit to you that there was a part of me that was very skeptical (call it human nature, call it my mind perhaps thinking it was not ready to quit smoking) As a former smoker, I can tell anyone who is thinking about using your service one of the most cliché terms used of all time, “If I can become a non smoker, then, so can you”! I know it sounds incredibly cliché, but I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. “If I can quit, so can you”!!!!!!!!
I came to Ken at the start of the holiday season (if a smoker is reading this now, they might be thinking, “damn, holiday season, that means cocktails at holiday parties” Before November 12th, 2007, I could not imagine having a cocktail without the obligatory smoke in the other hand. I will not go into detail of each one of my situations and opportunities to smoke at these parties. However, I can tell you this, on at least ten different occasions I was surrounded by smokers and literally smoke actually being blown towards me, and I did not even have the slightest urge to “light one up”. As a matter of fact, I actually felt sorry for the folks around me who were smoking. I am not the “evangelical” type but when anyone one of my smoking friends would ask, “how in the hell??? Of all the people I know who smoke, you, by far smoked more than anyone I know!!!!” “How on earth did you quit??” I eagerly pull out my red card and show them and tell them about how coming to see Ken Guzzo on November 12, 2007 was one of the greatest days of my life.
If anyone out there is “on the fence” about coming to see you, please give them my contact information. I am not one to try and convince someone to do something they truly do not want to do. But, as a “former smoker” I might be able to put myself back in my own shoes on November 11, 2007 and answer any questions they may have!!!!
Ken, how can I thank you enough??? Thank you so very much!
I’m not sure the day when I did it- sometime in September last year, but still smoke free going on like 6 months. I forget some times that I ever smoked after 35 years of smoking.
I have highly recommended you to EVERYONE that has remarked that “hey when did you quit?” I tell them about you and give them the number that I carry in my wallet. I don’t know if any have come to see you but it hasn’t been for lack of my recommendation.Keep doing what you are doing; it really worked for me!
Steve R (Smoke-free since September 14, 2009)
stick. I have an old friend who will be contacting you soon, like Kristine from my job who
saw you also, he desperately wants to rid himself of the nasty habit. We will contact you soon.
Later Paul & Janie (smoke-free since June 11, 2008)
Richmond, CA
A Year Smoke-Fee!
I'm living proof it works. Thank You. I'd like to get my wife in to see you.
Thanks Again,
Jim Thomas (smoke-free since December 7, 2007)
Pinole, CA.
I'm glad that I took Friday off from work. I found that my brain didn't know how to respond to many of the stressors or demands for attention that it came across. The automatic responses that did not serve me (Have a smoke, feel better) had been removed, but, especially the evening after our session, the new responses had not yet really begun to evolve. There were (and are) moments where I just don't know how to react or act. It's okay, and I see it for what it is, and I am patient with myself, but it is interesting.
It's an interesting time. I had forgotten to throw out my ash tray, a lovely china one inherited from my mother, and I tried to frisbee it out into the estuary, but it just crashed into the dock... I throw like a girl.
Anyway, it's gone now.
Thank you.... I didn't think this was possible...
All the best,
Lorna S (smoke-free since February 4, 2010)
Hey Ken, I've been writing to write to you to say that I'm passing my 3rd month of success at not smoking and to thank you for your system. 36 years of smoking 2 packs a day done. NO MORE SMOKING and no urge's to start again, Relapse, very improbable. Thanks again.
Larry S
San Ramon, CA. (smoke-free since October 30, 2009)
It's good to hear from you! I can't thank you enough. It's been 10 months now and have not had a smoke. The day when I left your office, I felt like something was missing and didn't know what it was. after about 2 or 3 days that feeling went away. I truly feel like I have never smoked in my life. It's a great feeling to enjoy a brew or coffee without feeling like I need a smoke. I also feel so much better. I hope You are doing well and enjoying the new year.
Thanks so much again,
Michael C (smoke-free since March 27, 2009)
Oakdale, CA
I will keep you posted...
Thank You!
Polly J 1/19/10 was my day!
Just writing you a quick note to thank you for changing my life. I have been a non-smoker since Jan 5 2009. I feel great. And, I look forward to the cards that you send out. I was waiting and waiting for my year anniversary card, and when it came in the mail, I happily displayed it on my wall at work. Again, thank you.
Nicky Johnson (smoke-free since January 5, 2009)
Concord, CA
I am so sorry that I have not contacted you until now. My brother and I are doing well. We have just passed the six month mark and we both feel we are truly non-smokers for the rest of our lives. Words cannot express how grateful we are to you for all that you have done for us. The entire experience was surprisingly easy. From the minute we walked out of your office we were indeed non-smokers.
I have shared this experience with all of the smokers that I know that have expressed an interest in giving it up. I hope that they will get in touch with you soon. I talk to John quite a bit about what it feels like to give it up. He is very glad that he was able to help me by referring me to you.
Thank you again for all of your help. You have truly been a blessing to Scott and myself.
Carla (smoke-free since July 24, 2009)
Coming up on a week of NO SMOKING and am amazed at how good I feel! I was reflecting on how much effort and expertise you put in to our session last Tuesday and wanted to tell you how impressed I was with you. Thank you again for your help! I have told several of my smoking acquaintances about the services you offer and one of them would like you to send her some info about your Non Smoking Center.
Donell M (smoke-free since January 19, 2010
Concord, CA.
Hey Ken, How’s it going?
You may remember my wife and I from Feb 4th 2009. We are yet another one of your many success stories being non smokers for nearly a year now! Thanks again!!
The reason I am inquiring this time is, when we were in with you told us about the weight loss hypnosis. We are interested in that. Give me a call or an email and let me know if you are still doing that.
Thanks again! (smoke-free since February 4, 2009)
Curtis & Michele C
Willits, CA
I can't believe it's been 3 months already!
Although I am tempted every once in a while, I know if I can just hold off for a minute or so, the urge will pass and I will remain smoke free!
During the past was the first time in 40+ years that I did not have to leave a conversation to go and get a quick one. It was great!
And you're right, it does feel good to brag!
Kathy Marika (smoke-free since October 1, 2009)
South San Francisco, CA
Made it past 1 year!
My son, a smoker, came up from Florida for Christmas. It was not a problem, I had no cravings. Now, I know what my wife has been saying all these years about the smell. She says not only are my kisses tasty but she finally smells me and my cologne. She loves my new smoke free smell. She loves holding hands. Before I quit, she would wash her hands as soon as she could after we held hands. It was because her hands "smelled like dirt".
Wow, what a change- thank you and have a happy new year!
Guy H (smoke-free since November 12, 2009)
Hercules, CA
Hi Ken,
It’s been a year and a half since you helped me quit chewing, and I love it. My kids were so proud of me for quitting, and I’m feeling 100% better. Nothing will ever make me go back. Thank you Thank you!!
Geoff A. Non-Chewer since January 9th 2008!
Rohnert Park, CA
LIFE AS A NON-SMOKER IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to give you positive feedback. NO MORE TRIGGERS!!!! I have had stressful moments since our last session and not once have I thought about having a cigarette. I even realized I was a NON SMOKER yesterday. I was walking along and really had a realization about not ever smoking again, very much organically. My unconscious mind finally gave in to the idea of being a non-smoker. Instead of just saying the words...I finally believe the words.
I am very grateful to you and I hope you continue helping people out of the nasty and ugly habit of smoking.
Thank you, Alexandra (Smoke-free since October 19, 2007) watch video
What did you do to me??
The good news is that I haven’t had a cigarette since I left your office.
Immediately after our session, I said to myself, “well, there went $500 down the drain. Let me just try to get home without a smoke.” My arm never felt heavy or lighter than air during your suggestions, and I felt as though I could have gotten up and walked out at any time. But, I have not had the urge for a cigarette and the little voice battles that continue in my head are less and less all the time. The good voice continues to prevail.
Was I actually under hypnosis where you were communicating with my subconscious or something like that?
Jim K. (smoke-free since October 22, 2007)
Vineburg, CA.
Well it has been six weeks this Thursday since you did the deed with Steve and myself in Panama. I have to tell you it was the best thing that Steve and I have done. It has also been incredibly easy. If you ever come to Ballarat, Australia I am sure I would have a few people that would love to use and abuse you for your talent.
Now surely you have become a new dad by now! Love to see photos please and tell me the details. Once again I would like to express how thankful both Steve and I are that at last we do not smoke. It is sooooo easy. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Stephen John & Margarat Densley (smoke-free since December 14, 2006)
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